Friday, February 1, 2013

A Surprise Visitor At The Lake!....

     We woke up to a gorgeous day of blue skies! Yay!  The horses were also enjoying the beautiful weather this morning along with their meal...
       On our way to close the gate to the lake to turn off the hydro so the lake could fill up while we went hiking, we noticed an animal in the distance near the inlet.  So, we headed over that way to investigate what it was...
      ...The River Otter!  :)  We saw him the other day, but he dove down into the water and we were unable to catch another glimpse.  This time, we were lucky enough to snap a picture before he scurried his bashful, cute self back into the water!  He was basking along the edge of the melting ice, sifting through some lake plants he had brought up from the surface and probably lounging around and enjoying the sun like we were!
    On our way up the mountain to take the Deer Creek loop hike...
     Three hour hike...we were ready for a snack!  Hope everyone had a wonderful day!


  1. I like the black and white picture of the fence.

  2. These photo's are fabulous! You guys look so great. I wish I was there to help Jenn celebrate her 35th birthday. Love you
