Saturday, January 12, 2013

Chopping the Ice...

     As you can imagine, it's gets pretty cold up in this country!  It is not uncommon to have temps in the negative 20's F on average, especially the end of December through January.  During this REALLY cold weather, we gear up to make sure the water passage to the inlet is flowing and the lake that feeds the hydroplant is full.  Through this process of icechopping, "turning off" the hydro by closing the lake gate, or usually both, we ensure the longevity of the hydropower plant. 

      Gearing up for this "chore" is quite the feat!  Usually we are clearing ice in temperatures ranging from 0F to -20deg F, so it is definitely important to layer up to keep warm!  Our "gear" usually consists of 2 layers of long underwear, two pairs of socks, "hotties" heatpacks for our feet and hands (these things are a lifesaver!), a few layers of shirts-short and longsleeve-, a heavy sweatshirt, vest, THEN our chest-high waterproof waders, then coat, scarf, beaniehat, gloves, and...that's about it! :) 
      The activity itself does help you stay somewhat warm, as we're wielding heavy iron rods and 40lb sledge hammers, but it's still cold!  Although this sounds crazy, but being in the water itself is actually warmer than the air!  We try not to stay outside more than an hour at a time, going back if we need to after we warm up/dry off.  When we complete a session of ice chopping (sometimes we have to go back and do this a few times a day), our suit instantly freezes a layer of ice, so we are walking around like we have crunchy, metal suits of armour.  The fireplace at this point is a much-welcomed thing! 





Stay warm everyone and thanks for reading! :)

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